Welcome to MachineCompanion.com, a one-stop hub dedicated to empowering you with knowledge and practical solutions to troubleshoot and repair the machines that keep your world moving. Whether it’s your home appliances, electronics, or mechanical equipment, we’re here to provide you with fixes, helpful guides, and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) techniques to tackle the most common as well as complex issues. Our mission is to help you become more self-reliant, informed, and capable when it comes to maintaining the machines in your life, ensuring they serve you effectively and efficiently for years to come.

My Personal Story

Hello, my name is Adam Hoover, and I am the founder of MachineCompanion.com. I’m a 45-year-old enthusiast who has been fascinated by machines and their inner workings since childhood. Allow me to share my journey, which led to the inception of this website.

Born and raised in a small town, my love for machines was nurtured at a very young age. My father owned a local repair shop, where he would fix everything from household appliances to farm equipment. I would eagerly accompany him to the shop, watching him tirelessly tinker and fix machines with an air of ingenuity. Those were the days when repair manuals were scarce, and the internet was not as resourceful as it is today. My father would rely on his experiences, instincts, and improvisations. He was a magician in my eyes.

As I grew up, my curiosity about machines grew exponentially. I began fixing little things around the house and soon became the go-to person for any machine-related issues among friends and family. However, it wasn’t just the fixing part that fascinated me; it was the whole process of understanding the mechanics, diagnosing the problem, and then finding a solution that seemed like solving the most thrilling puzzle.

At the age of 20, I decided to pursue Mechanical Engineering to deepen my understanding of machines. After earning my degree, I worked with several companies, from small startups to global conglomerates, always trying to learn more about the different facets of machines. Despite the professional success, something was missing. I yearned for the days in my father’s shop, where fixing a machine felt like an art and brought genuine satisfaction.

One evening, while helping a neighbor fix his lawn mower, it struck me – I could use my experience and knowledge to help others. I could bridge the gap between the common man and the complex world of machines, by creating a platform that offered simple yet effective solutions. This epiphany led to the birth of MachineCompanion.com.


MachineCompanion.com is a culmination of my lifelong passion for machines and a dedication to continue my father’s legacy. This website aims to be your companion in every step of the way as you navigate the challenges of dealing with machines. We strive to equip you with reliable, easy-to-understand, and practical guides and DIY fixes.

But, MachineCompanion.com is not just about me or my story; it is about creating a community. A community of people who value the essence of self-reliance, the joy of learning, and the satisfaction that comes from fixing something with their own hands. I encourage you to explore our content, share your experiences, and even contribute with your own insights and tips.

Together, let’s build a space where knowledge is shared, problems are solved, and machines are not just tools, but an integral part of our lives that we understand and cherish.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

Warm regards,
Adam Hoover